Scheduled Payments

Save time and accelerate payments with the Scheduled Payments feature.

How Scheduled Payments Can Save You Time and Accelerate Receivables

Schedule a payment when it is convenient ​for you.

  • Have it drafted immediately or at any date in the future. 
  • Prevent late payments when insureds are waiting for due date to make payment.  
  • Activate systematic controls to save the Merchant customer service and operations teams time by reducing the payment correction tasks. For example the system will warn customers attempting a payment if they already have a payment scheduled.  ​ 
  • Automate confirmations to insureds that a payment is scheduled.
man scheduling a payment on his phone using Simply Easier Payments
Woman scheduling a payment with calendar using Simply Easier Payments

Your customers can have control over the process.

  • Easily schedule a payment in the same screen as an immediate payment and choose between saved or new Card/ACH payment options. 
  • Once complete, the customer receives a confirmation email that they have scheduled their payment.

Save money, save time and rest easy knowing you're getting the best in compliance, security and value for you and your clients.